Mang Tha is a social development project for Chin Women Refugees, Chin as state of Myanmar. Borned from the Chin Women Handicraft skills, a women solidarity community is on implementation in extending Income Generating Activities and Empowerment Women Program.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Two Chin women are more working on these products.

Handbags and handphone pockets from similar design in pink, red, dark red and dark purple backgrounds, actually.

Handphone pocket RM15 / 3.50 euros / 4.50$ Mizo handbag RM45 / 9.50 euros / 12.50$

Cross-stitch Handicraft

Evening Bag !

Handmade by women, one day will be spent for one bag.
7 women are getting income from these cross-stitch handicraft products.
A part of the selling is going to raise more material and to provide cross-stitch and sewing courses to 30 women permanently.

The Cross-stitch is a Chin traditional skill taught by women to women.

From RM25 to RM50.

Large, medium, Small size,

Long Handle, Short Handle,

Black or red background.

All design different and unique.

Wine bags Made by Chin Women

A sweet wine bag from Indian Saree, will make a pretty and solidair difference for your next dinners...

You can make a difference in buying for RM10 a wine bag or in visiting our blog !

Discover all of our creative handicraft...

Mang Tha is a group of women refugees handling handicraft activities to get incomes to support their family by themselves.

In buying and knowing their reality, You, as well, participate to empower them.