Two Chin women are more working on these products.
Handbags and handphone pockets from similar design in pink, red, dark red and dark purple backgrounds, actually.
Handphone pocket RM15 / 3.50 euros / 4.50$ Mizo handbag RM45 / 9.50 euros / 12.50$
Mang Tha is a social development project for Chin Women Refugees, Chin as state of Myanmar. Borned from the Chin Women Handicraft skills, a women solidarity community is on implementation in extending Income Generating Activities and Empowerment Women Program.
A sweet wine bag from Indian Saree, will make a pretty and solidair difference for your next dinners...
You can make a difference in buying for RM10 a wine bag or in visiting our blog !
Discover all of our creative handicraft...
Mang Tha is a group of women refugees handling handicraft activities to get incomes to support their family by themselves.
In buying and knowing their reality, You, as well, participate to empower them.